The SUSE Gallery Desktop Client is an integrated tool for working with SUSE Gallery.Using it, you can...
...browse or search for an appliance...
...view information about the appliance...
...testdrive the appliance...
...download the appliance...
...and use it, by running it in QEMU or VMWare, or by writing it to a USB key or DVD.
Binaries are available for several distros. In order to install the RPMs, you'll need a few things:- libarchive
- qt >= 4.4
- LibVNCServer
You can either go to the openSUSE Build Service and find the appropriate RPM for your distro, or use the "1-Click Install" links below:
- openSUSE Factory
- openSUSE Tumbleweed
- openSUSE 11.4
- openSUSE 11.3
- openSUSE 11.2
- SLE 11 SP1
- SLE 11
- Fedora 13
- Fedora 12
Mandriva and .deb packages will be along eventually.
Source Code
Source code is hosted on SourceForge. To get the source, you can:git clone git://susegallery.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/susegallery/susegallery (read-only)
Or browse it here.